Analysis of News relating to the Digital Money Ecosystem

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Analysis of News relating to the Digital Money Ecosystem

Bill to tax remittances not fair to immigrants - The Philadelphia Tribune

28/04/2017 Link to source

Bill to tax remittances not fair to immigrants Now I thought I done heard it all but I was at a forum for Team Jamaica Bickle and the CEO, Irwine Clare, was speaking about the changes in the new administration that will be impacting Caribbean and other immigrants who send remittances back to their ...

Jamaica is the 4th largest island nation of the Greater Antilles. It is situated in the Caribbean Sea. Money Transfer
This category refers to the provision of international money transfer services.
The Caribbean
Region consisting of the Caribbean Sea, its islands (most of which are enclosed by the sea), and the surrounding coasts.
This topic discusses the tax related requirements for the various lines of business.

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